NAMAS 2019: All Roads Leads to Swakopmund This Weekend!
Only one day before the biggest event on the Namibian social colander, The Namibian Annual Music Awards 2019. The night where only 24 winners are walking away with an award from which 64 artists have been nominated, some legends and others new to the industry.
The organiser’s have been in full swing, and have been running up and down to prepare the best award show in the history of Namibia. The awards show has been marked in big, bold letters. And we have been thirsty for clues about what’s to come ever since. So far we know the preparation are done as pics of the stage was shared on MTC’s Instagram page.
The show will featured epic performances from the likes of Gazza, Exit , Ouwa uo Viritje, Tate Buti, Sunny Boy, Top Cheri, Lady May Africa, Sally, Y-Cliff and many more. That list of names alone confirms that this year’s awards are going to be a must-watch award show.
The fans will watch the NAMAS live on big screens and enjoy electrifying performances. The show is scheduled for 7th September at the Dome, Swakopmund.