MTC Knockout Project
Boxing is a sport of will, timing, and intelligence in the ring, all these qualities make the ring game great. From exquisite alterations to unforgettable triumphs.

The MTC Knockout Project presented boxing for change an initiative aimed at terminating gender-based violence from society. The event was held at the Windhoek Country Club & Resort on the 12th of October 2019.
Namibia’s favourite personalities, 18 male artists and other public figures, made their appearance to battle for the MTC Heavyweight Title, Cruiserweight Title and Jr Middleweight Title.

These are the winners of that night:
Sunny Boy wins against DJ Cheeze on points. Mappz wins against Mufaro with a first-round knockout. TV and Radio personality Paul De Prince Vs Rapper Kp Illest, the bout ends in a draw for the Jr Middleweight Title.

MTC Key Accounts Executive Theo Ishuna VS The Marketing Manager of Energy 100FM Jossy Joss, Theo wins the bout for the MTC Knockout GBV Heavyweight Title. Congratulations to Sam Shivute for winning his bout and Michael Vermeulen for winning his battle against Tate Buti.