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Is Geingob Turning Namibia Into A Land Of Rule by Decree ?


Is Geingob Turning Namibia Into A Land Of Rule by Decree ?

The Namibian President His Exellency Hage Geingob, has once gain landed in the political hot seat after instructing municipal councilors to lift the veil of suspension tabled against two top officials, namely the City Police Chief Abraham Kanime and the CoW CEO Robert Kahimise, in a plea for the city to run again.

Kahimise is suspended on allegations of misuse of funds on a loan of over N$ 170 000 for his studies by CoW, while Kanime faces over 66 different charges.

The Presidents message occurred after word in the media was circulating that specifically the CoW CEO would be recalled just to be suspended again earlier this week for the third time.

It is not clear whether this was a presidential directive or advice to the councilors; however the action sets precedence for wrong way to conflict resolution as it dilutes the purpose of the rule of law and separation of power in a democratic Namibia.

There is no legal or constitutional basis within the Local Authority Act that makes it possible for the President to use his executive power directly to impede on the duty of elected independent municipal officials.

Prominent local lawyer Kadhila Amoomo was quoted on the matter saying it is an unlawful directive, and the City of Windhoek can choose to ignore it if they so wish, as it ultimately also compromises accountability.

Separation of powers is essential, the organs of state should be independent in exercising their duty without being overridden. Should the Presidents desire be fulfilled it will in fact set the precedent for the President to run over local authorities as he wishes as well as other incidental matters in other government associated institutions.

The danger in this is creating a state that is ruled by decree of one man, while elected representatives are sat on the sideline to watch. The Presidents intention might have been noble and well received but two wrongs do not make a right, hence the directive does not come without criticism from external parties.

Until more is said from both sides this story is yet to completely break.

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