Chris Wayne – The Gringo from the Gutter
Wamboesbelike recently ran into one of the most promising young musicians in the South West, Chris Wayne. The producer/singer/rapper has been making major waves in the music industry of late. You may be familiar with his record “Gringo”, but how well do you know the man behind the magic?

Q1- Can you please tell us how you got your stage name?
“I used to sing like Chris Brown and rap like Lil Wayne so my friends started calling me Chris Wayne.”
Q2- What’s the story behind the man we now see before us?
“I moved out of my mom’s house when I was 17 and stayed on my own ever since. My first job was (as) a security guard, assisting customers at the ATM at Maerua Mall. I stayed in a church basement for almost a year.”
Q3- Who or what inspired your love for music?
“What sparked my love for music was one man- DJ Kboz. I started following his work ever since I was 13 years old, since then my dream was to become the best producer just like him. Later in my years, my brother Obrey introduced me to rap music on a cassette tape and gave me a programme called Fruity Loops. The rest was history.”
Q4- Apart from music, what do you do to unwind?
“…playing street football with my friends.”
Q5- What inspired the concept for your Smash hit, Gringo and what’s it really about?
“When I wrote that song I got inspired by myself and the trials and tribulations that I went through… I realised that I’m an outsider, a foreigner in my own country. That’s why I labelled myself as a gringo, an outsider that’s just trying to make a way and feel accepted like everyone else and not be treated like a foreigner regardless of my skin colour or race. Looking at where I started and where I am now, I’m a proud gringo that made a foreign place his home.”
Q6- Please name some of your favourite rising stars?
“Uuuuhm. Don Kamati, ShowTime, Karishma, Obie Major and Nga-I; just to name a few.”
Q7- Let’s say you won a contest and as a prize u get to record with any ONE artist on earth, who would you dream of working with and why?
“I would say Dr. Dre coz he understands sound and everything that comes with it.”
Q8- if you were appointed Minister of Music, what would you enforce/change?
“Firstly; all artists and producers should be able to have (benefits such as) medical aid and a pension fund. Secondly; create more platforms and events for artists and upcoming artists to showcase their talent(s). Thirdly; build a music school where artists can be taught how to become independent entrepreneurs in the music industry and see music not just as entertainment but also treat it like a business.”
Q9- What’s been the highlight of your career so far?
“I have met up with and worked with award winning artists and producers and some of the best Icons in the industry such as Mushe (who bought one of my first beats), Tswazi’s, King Elegant, Sally Boss Madam and working with my icon DJ Kboz.”
Q10- What do you have in store for your fans in 2020?
“A lot of good music and videos. A few surprise international collaborations with some of Africa’s biggest artists and so much more.”
Q11- Anything else you would like to add or say to your fans?
“Thank you for supporting me and my music career. Believe in yourself. United we stand, divided we fall. DNOU meaning Don’t Nobody Own You… You are not enslaved to your fear, your situation, your pain or your troubles. You are free. Chris Wayne Namibia.”
To stay up to date with Chris Wayne’s work, we suggest you check out his Facebook Fan Page here.
His bumper jam “Gringo” has nearly 4000 download and more than 7000 streams in the 10 months since its release on Namibiamusic. If you haven’t heard the banger co-starring Bobby WVDK and Karishma, you can stream it here.
Also, do check out Don Kamati’s track “Motto” which features Chris Wayne here.
Chris Wayne is definitely on the path to super-stardom. Who knows, maybe one day he’ll have Chris Brown and Lil Wayne as guests on one of his future project. Till next time, LIVE BIG, DREAM EVEN BIGGER!!!