Catching up with KP Illest
He’s one of the hardest working rappers in the industry. He took the industry by storm in 2017 releasing his debut album Price of Ambition.
Who is Kp Illest and where is he from?
KP Illest is a Namibian hip-hop artist and also a natural born entertainer and part-time comedian. I was born in Kenya and raised in Namibia.
Tell us about your childhood and upbringing.
I was raised by a single Mom and I have 10 siblings so you can imagine that my life was a boxing match, but it was a very musical upbringing.
What is your musical background and what made you interested in Hip-Hop.
From a family filled with vocalists and instrument players I was the only one who couldn’t sing and after watching people like Lil Wayne and Tupac I figured my voice isn’t completely useless and I started rapping.
What rapper most inspired you?
Lil Wayne and Kanibal.
Who are your top 5 favorite rappers of all times
2Pac, Jay-Z, Andre3000, Lil Wayne and Mark Mushiva
What do you think of the Hip-Hop scene in Namibia and how do you feel about Hip-Hop music today?
The Hip-pop scene in Namibia is still growing but definitely growing, we still need a lot of investment from hip-hop artists and investors and we should not be afraid to take risks, thats the only way that we’ll get to where we want to be
You are one of the, if not the, best lyricist in the country. What are the main inspirations for the lyrics you write?
Making my lyrics relatable so that the common man can understand it but will also have the same impact on someone with a PHD.
How do you compare your current album Price of Ambition with your previous projects?
No comparison, Price of Ambition is a culmination of all those projects combined with industry experience
Tell us about your relationship with The Dogg
He’s my mentor and someone that I happen to be employed with in this concrete jungle we call the music industry
Which Namibian rapper will you recommend to your listeners?
Lioness, Nga-i, Paradox and AliThatDude
Name one Namibian artist you haven’t worked with yet that you want to collaborate with next year?
Tate Buti
Who’s your Namibian celebrity crush?
Maria Nepembe by now the whole world should know and if she is not married by 2018 I’m gonna propose.
Biggest highlight of 2017?
Dropping my Album.
What does 2018 mean for Kp Illest?
More shows, get ready for the big one! but there is no way to get ready cause you were never ready.