Bobby Samaria Announces Team For COSAFA
Brave Warriors manager Bobby Samaria has announced a very experienced team for the upcoming COSAFA tournament.
COSAFA tournament over the years has provided opportunities for upcoming and young talented Namibian footballers to shine and get scouted from teams outside the country, however it appears that, that won’t be the case this year as Bobby decided to go with the old guard in an attempt to perhaps win the competition.
It’s unclear as to why he decided to call the old players perhaps it is to save his own skin or it could be because the leagues in Namibia haven’t gotten up to speed as expected. Here is the the provisional Brave Warriors list:
1. Loydt Kazapua
2.Virgil Vries
3. Edward Maova
4. Kamaijanda Ndisiro
5. Tiberius Lombardt
6. Kennedy Amutenya
7. Larry Haraeb
8. Ananias Gebhardt
9. Immanuel Heita
10. Riaan Hanamub
11. Ivan Kamberipa
12. Emilio Martin
13. Amazing Kandjii
14. Aprocius Petrus
15. Charles Hambira
16. Deon Hotto
17. Dynamo Fredericks
18. Ambrosius Amseb
19. Wendel Rudath
20. Quinton van Staden
21. Gustav Isaak
22. Lewellyn Stanley
23. Absalom Iimbondi
24. Marcel Papama
25. Prins Tjiueza
26. Willy Stephanus
27. Alfeus Handura
28. Wesley Katjiteo
29. McCartney Naweseb
30. Sadney Urikhob
31.Elmo Kambindu
32. Isaskar Gurirab
33. Joslin Kamatuka
34. Junior Theophilus
35. Salomon Omseb.