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Becoming The Best Version of Yourself in 2019, and Beyond!


Becoming The Best Version of Yourself in 2019, and Beyond!

How do you become the person you want to be? Simple, just BE. By BEING the person you want to become; walk/talk, think & do everything just as the person you want to be. You have to adopt and commit to the habits that this version of yourself would, until you eventually become that. It’s that easy!

The trick is to firstly, define the person you want to be; in other words, you have to know exactly who and what you want to become. Note down everything precisely, from all his/her character traits, aspirations & career choice, fashion sense & style, to how you want that person to reason, their strengths, the things (material & immaterial) they’d wish to acquire and how to do so, how they’d treat others. Basically everything you can think of that you deem essential to this version’s foundation. You will most likely add and remove certain things as life goes on, but that would mean that you will always be living the way that you want to. Here is an example: The person I want to be…

Here is an example: The person I want to be…

  • Respects and is respected by other people,
  • Spends money wisely and saves
  • Patient
  • Doesn’t take offence easily
  • Is not lazy
  • Doesn’t smoke cigarettes, etc

Another trick is that you have to know all the things you noted down about this newer version, by heart. Whenever you find yourself not being the person you want to be, or doing things that defer your progress, you are able to reflect on the standards you’ve set for yourself and act along that train of thought.

The only way to always remember and know the person you want to be is the same way, for example, that you learn the lyrics to a song you love. REPETITION. By hearing that same song over and over and over again – being in the moment when you are listening to the song, the words, feeling & becoming one with the melody and nothing else. It wouldn’t be crazy if you recorded yourself reciting all the characteristics your potential self could have, then listening to it every so often i.e. when you feel lost or discouraged, you need a little reminder or you simply just feel like 💩 ‼

I hope reading this was not only encouraging but that it will help you; but don’t just read and agree with what I wrote… PRACTICE IT! It will be the best New Year’s gift to yourself.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎆 Please do leave a comment…

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