2018 SYM Lifestyle and Fashion Awards Winners
The SYM Lifestyle and Fashion Awards were established in 2017 by the Simply You Magizine to celebrate and honor the Kings and Queens of the entertainment and textile industry. Bringing ground breaking fashion, the highly anticipated awards had much more than glitz, glamour and prestige to offer. The awards celebrated the creative minds, the fashion heavy weights and unforgettable yet mesmerizing public figures. The audience were treated a top notch stage performance from TopCheri, Sunny Boy and Killa B among others. Nigerian actress and model Beverly Osu made a special guest appearance. With so many wonderful high profile personalities the organizers of the award show could only impress.
The ceremony was a definite success and left no room for disappoint. Lize Ehlers was awarded the Diamond Award, a non voting recognition award. The presenter of the show was Jossy Ndili. Bellow is the list of the winners of the night:
Favourite Photographer: Marja Iileka
Favourite Accessory Designer: Sage By Dee
Favourite Blogger: Charene Labuschagne
Favourite Female Model: Princess Tjozongoro
Favourite Model: Wellem Kapenda
Favourite Comedian: Ndangi Iileka
Favourite Sport Personality: Sydney Urikob
Favourite Male Actor: NSK
Favourite Female Actor: Elizabeth Shakujungua
Favourite Emerging Fashion Designer: Simeone Johannes
Favourite Make-up Artist: Jay Aeron
Favourite Stylist: Deon Chimsoro
Favourite Female Radio Personality: Chante Omar
Favourite Male Radio Personality: Cheeze
Favourite DJ: Asser Deep
Favourite Fitness Personality: Emily Kandanga
Favourite TV Personality: Robyn Naakambo
Favourite Fashion Designer: Mathew Erastus
Diamond Award Winner: Lize Ehlers